Fractional leadership

For the businesses that need leadership expertise and experience, at a fraction of the cost of a full time hire

Sometimes you just need to hire an expert to Get things done

One of the hardest things about growing, or making strategic changes to your business, is the uncertainty about what to do or whether the investment will pay off.

Fractional leadership is an excellent stepping stone. It helps you to create a strong foundation in the direction you want to head with an expert that has both skills and experience to guide you.


If you want to attract and retain money in your business, you need to attract and retain talent. That means you need to have a solid strategy in place.

Attraction requires engagement. It seems obvious, to get their attention you need to speak to them. But how do you engage the right people? And, who are the right people?

Once you’ve got their attention, how do you keep it? How do you make sure that they want to work with you – and how do you make sure they want to keep working with you?


None of this needs to be complicated, but it does need to be done well. And that’s where I come in.

I work with businesses that need a leader with experience in strategic decision making and diversity equity and inclusion. One that can support them to create solid foundations for their business so they can produce better results in communication, wellbeing and talent retention, that will improve business agility and decision making, and that all of this will help to drive innovation and meet their business vision.

But it’s not just about the techy stuff, the nitty gritty black and white stuff.

It’s relationship building. It’s how well we can problem solve. It’s how safe your people feel to show up as themselves – because that translates to how safe they feel to contribute ideas and thoughts that may be ‘out of the box’ because that’s where the real innovation starts: with people feeling safe and valued enough to be vulnerable and share.

All of this is what translates to happier and more productive team members and business results that align with objectives and are grounded in data.


If you’re ready to take your business to this level, but you’re not sure about hiring someone full time to do this work, why not hire a leadership expert like me for a fraction of the time?


 How do you know when to take the next step?

Are you:

  • Struggling to hire the right people?
  • Having people leave unexpectedly?
  • Ready to improve current team performance and get more out of your talent?
  • Needing added senior experience but can’t afford this full time?
  • Needing support mentoring and coaching your leaders and lifting their capability?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we should talk.


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Being inclusive in business and leadership: it's not all rainbows and unicorns


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