There isn’t one thing you can do to make your business better

Stop trying to find the 'one thing' for success

If your business isn’t where you want it to be, then there isn’t a single thing you can do about it.

  • You don’t “just need a plan” to succeed.
  • You don’t “just need to raise your prices” to be profitable.
  • You don’t “just need a website” to make more sales.
  • You don’t “just need to get through this patch” for your business to survive.

None of these things in isolation will help you. You’ve got to stop looking at your business in silos.

  • A lack of sales can’t be fixed just by outsourcing your marketing.
  • An expenditure problem can’t be solved simply by reducing staff labour costs.
  • More customers aren’t going to fix your business problems if the customer journey is a shit experience for them.

Your multi-million-dollar vision isn’t gonna happen just because you make more sales – that one almost always catches people out when they first start to struggle. It’s right up there with the business owners that confuse performance issues with positioning, and the ones that think that a profitable business is a solvent business.

Business is multi-faceted. Its never just one thing that needs to be done right. Everything should fit together and work in harmony.

Reducing costs or outsourcing work is short-sighted without first looking at how everything functions, and where your pipeline has leaks or blockages.

Take a step back, look hard at your business.

  • How smoothly does everything run for you when you’re busy?
  • Where are your frustrations?

Look hard at those first.

You need to take regular, consistent action to address the source of the issues, not the symptom, so you can achieve the success you deserve.

If your expenses are high, don’t rush to cut the big costs first.

Reducing labour costs is short-sighted without first looking at how everything functions and where your pipeline has leaks or blockages.

If sales are slow, don’t be hasty to market your business harder for more.

Sales and marketing won’t be your silver bullet if your people are not engaged effectively..
..If your team aren’t cohesive.
..If your team don’t have the right resources.
..If you don’t know who your audience is.
..If your audience don’t understand what you do.
..If your expenses outweigh your income.
..If your income is haphazard.
..If your systems are broken.

Get the picture?

Your business needs to be wired correctly to run without short-circuiting and your team need to have the right training and resourcing to operate in their roles efficiently.

Clear communication is the key to bringing everything together seamlessly and functioning effectively.

It’s not the fun or exciting things in business that make it successful. You first need to strengthen the foundations before you start decorating and inviting everyone to party with you.

Don’t “just get a business coach”.

Find an expert that can help you to look at your business strategically and support you to take the steps to build the right framework for your unique business.


Ready to get expert guidance?

If you’re ready to make your business stronger, more profitable and longer lasting without burning out, I can show you how.