Inclusive business and leadership specialist
Kia ora, I’m Sel.
I’m a reformed people pleaser, māmā of 3, and fierce advocate for social equity. I believe that for business to thrive, there is a responsibility to look after people alongside their profitability.
It’s not an either/or situation; both are crucial for long-term business success.
My business started with the goal of making business information and guidance more accessible for more people. Because people shouldn’t struggle to find the information they need to succeed.
I break down barriers of inaccessible information and provide the support for leaders in business to ensure people feel included and capable of delivering their best work, so both the business and the people can thrive.
What I do
Every person, every business, every organisation I work with is vastly different.
But what I do is consistent.
It’s awakening the ability of business leaders to operate sustainable, profitable organisations that will last – without burning themselves out in the process.
It’s guiding people in creating inclusive workspaces that allow for humanity and empower individuals to show up as themselves. It’s giving business leaders the tools to create processes for achieving social equity, simply.
I work with people in organisations trying to do too much with too little, and I give them the framework to turn their goals into measurable processes to achieve the impact they want to make. On repeat.
I provide strategic business coaching and guidance to keep the day-to-day running smoothly, so YOU can keep focused on achieving your goals and creating your own version of professional success, your way.
If you’re constantly juggling your commitments and feeling overwhelmed or worried about breaking things in your business, do you need support to break the cycle before the breakdown?
Business strategy, coaching and facilitation tailored to your needs
What kind of impact do you want to make – and do you want help to achieve that?
Values | Ngā pou
What we believe
Diversity, equity and inclusion are our building blocks
Human rights for all. Dignity, fairness and respect. I challenge inequity by pushing against the status quo and systemic marginalisation and support others to enable them to do the same.
Be a bloody good human. Simple.
Community led development is critical to change
Leigh Development is a tāngata Tiriti organisation that recognises te tino rangatiratanga of hapū as expressed in He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and as affirmed in te Tiriti o Waitangi.
What this means is pulling out all the stops to be a good treaty partner. To do what is right by Māori as tāngata whenua of Aotearoa, and as was agreed to in He Whakaputanga and te Tiriti o Waitangi.
I do this because I firmly believe that this is how we can achieve social equity. What is good for Māori is great for everyone, and it is our responsibility to disrupt the narrative to the contrary.
I champion diversity and inclusivity practices, and actively promote and support working with other organisations that demonstrate positive engagement with whānau/hapū/iwi, and other culturally responsive practices.
Equity (the social kind) is about the risks you’re willing to take and sacrifices you’ll make for the good of others.
What this does not mean, is us representing ourselves as experts in culturally responsive practice.
In all cases, we will defer to the voice of lived experience and we will advise you to do the same. Co-design means to extend the invitation to plan the party, not consulting upon it after you’ve decided on the theme.
Lead with curiosity, couple it with humility.
About Sel
Ko Sel tōku ingoa. E ngākaunui ana au ki te manaakitanga.

Sel Leigh
Inclusive Business specialist and leadership Coach
used to judge my value by how busy I was.
What that really means is, that I used to judge my worthiness by how much I did for other people and not for myself.
Of course, the inevitable happened and I burned out. And you’d think that would have been my lesson learned. But fast forward a couple of years and the same thing happened again. This time I took the time to learn from it.
I took my background expertise from working across government and in private business and everything I knew about running not-for-profit organisations and transformed my business success.
I removed my potential for future burn out by crafting a simple framework of easy to follow processes, on top a strong foundation of business skills.
I can help you to do the same.
My focus is to enable you to lead more confidently and make your business more inclusive of others.
If you’re constantly juggling your commitments and feeling overwhelmed or worried about breaking things in your business, do you need support to break the cycle before the breakdown?